Friday, September 25, 2009


Five months I am away due to works commitment. It really bored me up with task after another. In addition, I have to complete my Master Science of Leadership’s assignments that were successfully submitted on time.

In facts, the blog you surf right now is part of my Master’s assignment. Thanks anyway for your generous support.

Let continue…. I like to blog on leadership.
Define leadership -
Leadership can be either good or evil dimensions. Let us focus in “good” dimension at the moment. At the same time, not to forget each of us that are claimed as leadership; they themselves have multiple roles and duties. Let us explore both formal and informal functions.

As for me, I am a son which is at the same time is the father of three children; and as the husband of a beautiful wife; and as a brother of two people; and as the head department of QSHE in the company; and as the / a friend (s) of many people; as the / a customer (s) of many companies; as a Islamic follower; as a student in one of the university; as a…. IF you may count it – you will realize how many roles of leaderships you have to play / act with difference styles and magnitude of responsibilities to think and to act accordingly.

From here you will realize that the leader is not born BUT is made. Definitely anybody can be a leader.
"Leadership cannot really be taught. It can only be learned."
— Harold Geneen

Friday, April 17, 2009

Leading Organizational Change (LOC) continue

This week, I mostly discussed with my subordinates on the failure of change initiatives in the company. We discussed on the John P. Kotter’s methodology steps;
1- Establishing a Sense of Urgency;
2- Forming a Powerful Guiding Coalition;
3- Creating a vision;
4- Communicating the Vision;
5- Empowering Others to Act on the Vision;
6- Planning for Creating Short-Term wins;
7- Consolidating Improvement and Producing Still more change;
8- Institutionalizing New Approach.
As according to Kotter, there is not short cut on the steps to be taken to ensure the success of transformation initiative. Our lengthy discussion can be concluding that in our company we don’t do enough on the following steps:
- Lack in sense of urgency;
- Very loose guiding coalition;
- No proper vision;
- No throughout communication;
- No short-term wins;
- Improvement on ad-hoc basis;
In short, our change initiative usually fail and should take consideration of kotter’s 8 steps to esure the success of transforming regardless how small in the initiative.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Leading Organizational Change (LOC) continue

This week, the news of our company re-organization has been spread over to all staff. The official news will be announced by Group HR. Ironically, many people referred to me as Management Representative of the company. I have to explain correctly and wisely to all the people on the management’s intention. I used the concept of Strategic Pressure Point (SSP). The areas are business strategy, organization structure, organizational capability, culture and coordinating system. Since the company’s business strategy has changed to explore overseas market, the organization structure should directly change to suit the business strategy and to ensure the organizational capability is met. It is related to the strategic pressure point of the company should be business diversification, local marketplace factors and business expansion. They were fully understood and ready to make their own decision whether to join the company in overseas market or otherwise.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Leading Organizational Change (LOC) continue

My staff met me this week to discuss on their future carrier. This is because the management has decided that the SHE department will be operated independently from the holding company. Two of them met me in separate occasions this week at my office. I have used the similar approach that I learned at UEM Leadership Centre. The Strategic Pressure Point (SSP) and the Sigmoid Curve. I discussed in length especially on the application of Sigmoid Curve this is because one of them is more than 10 years in the Group. Is it the right time for they move to the subsidiary company instead of the holding company? Is it the opportunity greater here or there? I also elaborate on the impact of SSP which are business strategy, organization structure, organizational capability, culture and coordinating system. The culture is the most difficult to suit and to be changed upon for individual in the organization. Now they have proper guidance to decide for their future carrier.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Leading Organizational Change (LOC) continue

I discussed with my old friends whom are back-benchers of a political party. In our meeting we discussed about the change of management. It was a very lengthy discussion on various aspects. In summary, we have had discussed on the application of Sigmoid Curve. Was it the best time to make the change? I further discussed on the Strategic Pressure Point (SSP), in what specific factors that the change should take place in this political party. We were fully aware on the current political landscape in Malaysia right now, most of the people are not favorable with the current government. This political party should focus on the impact of SSP which are business strategy, organization structure, organizational capability, culture and coordinating system. We realized that the culture in this organization has been changed ever since its establishment. It is to the worst. It may relate to the organization structure and its coordinating system. The new incoming president wants to make the change. We will see the change management plan (CMP) later.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Leading Organizational Change (LOC) continue

This week is the school holiday. I took my leave and spend the whole week in my home town. I met with my friends to discuss and share our view on current political situation. I applied the LOC’s approach in identifying the strategic pressure points (SPP). Well, it seems that we have command views on the SPP. In the discussion we even go further discuss on went the change should take place. I tried to apply the Sigmoid Curve theory. We agreed that the political leaders should change. The change must be done in properly manner. I elaborated on analysis and change management plan (CMP). My friend agreed on the principle and approach. We acknowledge that in any change that has been conducted there is no proper CMP or in most of the cases the CMP is overruled in order to get the immediate result.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Leading Organizational Change (LOC) continue...

This week I was approached by a Human Resource’s personnel on implementation of the merit point system for non-executive staff. The implementation is separate exercise from the existing performance appraisal system. The system is measuring the productivity of each staff on their volume of work against time and quality. It is called TiVoQ. The trial run of the system is implemented in rush without their supervisors understand on the objective and approach of the system. They take it lightly on the important of the communication, communication, communication and communication. I advised her to look back on the eight steps of Kotter’s 8 change model. It still not too late.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Leading Organizational change (LOC) continue....

This week (2nd to 6th March 2009), a few changes have occurred in my company. What a coincident, it happen just after I came back from LOC’s class. During the management meeting, I voiced out the necessity of organization re-structure so that each department has clear focus on their business strategy. Furthermore, it will minimize unproductive personal and the redundancy function within the department.

I stated that the association of change with resistance and mentioned about eight steps of Kotter’s change model.

Ironically, at the end of the meeting my CEO instructed all Heads of Department (HODs) to organize a meeting to rationalize the departmental organization chart in order to reduce redundancy and each department has more focus.

We gathered on Tuesday (3rd March 2009) to discuss on the organization structure. As expected, a lot of resistance to change in the very beginning of the meeting. After a few explanations and the organizational mapping were drawn, apparently the redundancy of function has surfaced out. Nearly two hours gone to address the issue. A few HODs seem upset on the move. After three hours discussion, we managed to drawn the consolidated organizational chart to be submitted to COE for his comment.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Leading Organizational Change (LOC)

From now onward (until further notice), I will write on my Master's assignment on Leading Organizational Change. I attended the LOC course on 23 - 25 February 2009 at UEM Leadership Centre. 
Started with the fundamental of the associated word of change that is resistance. The 3 elements of change management are Content, Process and People. The resistance is obviously existence in People.
I learned great deal of the approaches and tools to deal with the resistance especially brainstorming and communication. The techniques were very well explained that I realized that my previous approaches on both tools were wrong. 
The Force Field Analysis was very interesting for me to realize the necessary areas need to gauge before identifying one out of 5 type of changes require. It really makes me wake up the Sigmoid Curve theory was explained.
The Change Equation is the given formula to gauge the readiness of change should take place. Paradigm shift is a powerful word in the change management.The Kotter’s 8 steps is the proof powerful tools to ensure the change management plan will not fail.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pemimpin.... perkara yang perlu difikirkan

Setiap manusia adalah pemimpin bagi dirinya.

Agak wajar dan jelas untuk diperkatakan terutamanya bila tingkah-laku, pertuturan dan perwatakan kita adalah ditentukan oleh kepimpinan diri kita (kita yang membuat keputusannya) sendiri walaupun terdapat tekanan dan pengaruh luaran yang mungkin mempengaruhi keputusan kepimpinan kita.

Kurangnya pengetahuan dan seluk-beluk kepimpinan akan menyebabkan cara hidup kita tidak dipimpin dengan cara yang sebetulnya. Tambahan pula kita (seseorang itu) yang tidak mempunyai didikan agama yang sempurna akan memincangkan kepimpinan hidup kita. Lebih parah lagi, bila kita (seseorang itu) bersikap tidak mahu membetulkan apa yang kurang mengenai kepimpinan kita.

Mana salahnya?.... SIKAP (attitude) kita.

Mungkin kita terlepas pandang bila rata-rata dari kalangan kita menyatakan SIKAP adalah punca segalanya.

Bila ditafsirkan SIKAP, ia terbahagi kepada 2 dimensi iaitu baik dan buruk (jahat): (dengan ringkas)

  • Kepercayaan;
  • Keimanan;
  • Corak pemikiran;
  • Pendirian;
  • Nilai diri;
  • Watak; dan
  • Perasaan

Apakah sisa-sisa kehidupan kita berlalu tanpa kita memperbaiki KEPIMPINAN kita disebabkan tidak hirau untuk mengubah SIKAP kita?

Apakah jalinan yang sama akan berlaku kepada KEPIMPINAN mereka-mereka ini?:

  • Anak beranak;
  • Suami Isteri;
  • Adik beradik;
  • Ibu bapa;
  • Mertua;
  • Ipar duai;
  • Rakan taulan;
  • Musuh;
  • Pekerja;
  • Jiran kita;
  • Rakyat kita; dan
  • Pemimpin.

Setiap dari kita mempunyai peranan dan tanggungjawab masing-masing. Jangan sia-siakan. Jangan abaikan. Masih belum terlewat. Buat atas kemampuan, keikhlasan, istiqamah dan tekun. Jangan gelogoh, rakus dan tamak.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Leadership... point to ponder

Every people should become leadership on his/her own. Even when you are small. We may call them co-leadership not junior leadership. It may astonish us when we realise it. At any ponint of time, if we realised that we are not to late to do something about our leadership.

You may read more about leadership in

Leadership has very wide spectruam, it is depending what is our area of concern?

My concern is the personal characteristic of leaders. The characteristics are:

· Achievement Motivation
· Authenticity
· Big Five Personality Traits
· Charisma
· Cognitive Structures
· Conformity
· Creativity
· Dominance and Submission
· Efficacy
· Ethics – Contemporary
· Ethics – Overview
· Happiness
· Hope
· Horror
· Idiosyncrasy credit
· Intelligence – Emotional
· Intelligence – Social
· Intelligence – Verbal
· Intelligence – Other
· Leading from within
· Modeling and leading by example
· Motivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic
· Narratives
· Negative Capability
· Optimism
· Personality and Group Roles
· Resiliency
· Rhetoric
· Risk taking
· Schemata, Scripts and Mental Model
· Self interest
· Tacit knowledge
· Trust

In the characteristics of a leader, we may find certain equilibrium of characteristics that ought to have as a leadership. Which is the least required characteristics you might choose from the above? Why you said so?