Monday, January 19, 2009

Leadership... point to ponder

Every people should become leadership on his/her own. Even when you are small. We may call them co-leadership not junior leadership. It may astonish us when we realise it. At any ponint of time, if we realised that we are not to late to do something about our leadership.

You may read more about leadership in

Leadership has very wide spectruam, it is depending what is our area of concern?

My concern is the personal characteristic of leaders. The characteristics are:

· Achievement Motivation
· Authenticity
· Big Five Personality Traits
· Charisma
· Cognitive Structures
· Conformity
· Creativity
· Dominance and Submission
· Efficacy
· Ethics – Contemporary
· Ethics – Overview
· Happiness
· Hope
· Horror
· Idiosyncrasy credit
· Intelligence – Emotional
· Intelligence – Social
· Intelligence – Verbal
· Intelligence – Other
· Leading from within
· Modeling and leading by example
· Motivation, Intrinsic and Extrinsic
· Narratives
· Negative Capability
· Optimism
· Personality and Group Roles
· Resiliency
· Rhetoric
· Risk taking
· Schemata, Scripts and Mental Model
· Self interest
· Tacit knowledge
· Trust

In the characteristics of a leader, we may find certain equilibrium of characteristics that ought to have as a leadership. Which is the least required characteristics you might choose from the above? Why you said so?

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