Friday, April 3, 2009

Leading Organizational Change (LOC) continue

My staff met me this week to discuss on their future carrier. This is because the management has decided that the SHE department will be operated independently from the holding company. Two of them met me in separate occasions this week at my office. I have used the similar approach that I learned at UEM Leadership Centre. The Strategic Pressure Point (SSP) and the Sigmoid Curve. I discussed in length especially on the application of Sigmoid Curve this is because one of them is more than 10 years in the Group. Is it the right time for they move to the subsidiary company instead of the holding company? Is it the opportunity greater here or there? I also elaborate on the impact of SSP which are business strategy, organization structure, organizational capability, culture and coordinating system. The culture is the most difficult to suit and to be changed upon for individual in the organization. Now they have proper guidance to decide for their future carrier.

1 comment:

  1. terima kasih sebab bg satu garis panduan..

    thank you sir

