Friday, March 27, 2009

Leading Organizational Change (LOC) continue

I discussed with my old friends whom are back-benchers of a political party. In our meeting we discussed about the change of management. It was a very lengthy discussion on various aspects. In summary, we have had discussed on the application of Sigmoid Curve. Was it the best time to make the change? I further discussed on the Strategic Pressure Point (SSP), in what specific factors that the change should take place in this political party. We were fully aware on the current political landscape in Malaysia right now, most of the people are not favorable with the current government. This political party should focus on the impact of SSP which are business strategy, organization structure, organizational capability, culture and coordinating system. We realized that the culture in this organization has been changed ever since its establishment. It is to the worst. It may relate to the organization structure and its coordinating system. The new incoming president wants to make the change. We will see the change management plan (CMP) later.

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